I feel absolutely terrible. One because I'm currently nursing a particularly nasty cold and two, because I haven't written in almost 4 months and so much has happened and changed that it makes me feel rather sick to think about all the things I have to write about to catch up with myself. I suppose I'll take it month by month.
October 2012
I was invited to a party on the 3rd November following the impression I made on the people I met the night I last wrote about on 29th September. I wasn't entirely sure why - I considered myself to be an uninteresting, socially awkward teenage girl who didn't really fit in with the friendship group she'd found herself in at college. None the less I set my status on the event as 'attending' and put it out of my mind; I had a whole month to try and find the confidence to go.
Had an amazing half term with my old friends from my previous school, in which our lives were changed forever by the amazingness that is MCM Expo. We also had a cosplay photo shoot and plenty of band practice, which was really fun. Towards the end of the week, however, it turned into November, and I panickingly realised that the party I'd been invited to was approaching.
November 2012
So I plucked up the courage to go to the party. It was my first proper alcohol thing, so armed with two ciders and wearing my Iron Man cosplay (it was a fancy dress party), I knocked on the door and stood awkwardly in the corner for a while; I'd arrived half an hour late, and as a result everyone else was drunk, and I wasn't. So I chugged the ciders, and in my desperation also consumed quite a lot of vodka in response to a suggestion made by the only girl I really knew there. Within about 15 minutes I was completely off my face. I proceeded to go and play guitar with some boys I didn't even know, get off with one of them, and then go round giving people free hugs. I think this was the moment when everything changed. In my drunken state I saw a strange mop of bright red hair, and jumped straight to conclusions that it was Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, and hugged this mysterious stranger very tightly. As I did my arc reactor went off with the usual Tony Stark sounds. Said stranger then exclaimed, "You're Iron Man!" So we were best friends right away; he looking like the singer from one of my favourite bands, me dressed as his favourite superhero. When I woke up the next morning we were friends on Facebook. A few hours later I plucked up the courage to message him with just the usual 'Hey, it was great meeting you last night, sorry about all the free hugs' etc etc, I didn't expect him to reply, but he did. We talked pretty much all day about the usual stuff, like what schools we both went to, what year we were in, et cetera. Ended up finding out we have a lot in common. A few days later, I started another conversation. We talked again about a load of stuff. After that I thought "Well, he's a nice guy, but I'm probably getting annoying so I'll leave it like a week before we talk again." Amazingly, 2 days later he started the conversation. We talked again. I told him about random boy problems I was having. He said he wanted to see me again. I invited him to a trip myself, some college friends and some other people from the party at the start of November were going to. He came. We got on as well in real life and sober as we did on the internet and/or drunk. Neither of us wanted to go home afterwards.
December 2012
Another eventful month. Arranged to meet up with guyImetatparty on the 4th, but he told me on the day unexpectedly he couldn't go. He then wasn't online for 2 days. I genuinely thought I'd scared him away. Cue two day depression. He came back online after 2 days and I caved in and told him I liked him. He told me he liked me back, but there was complications as to why we couldn't go out. We arranged to meet up again, he cancelled again. By this point, it was getting towards the end of December. Cue one of my best college friends' parties. During this party, one of my guy college friends told me he had a massive crush on me. In my depressed about GuyImetatparty/drunk state I got off with him and changed my relationship status. Cue awkward 3 day relationship with college guy. Dumped him. Lost about 14% of my self-esteem because of my stupidity and loneliness. Interesting drunk phone call with GuyImetatparty on New Years Eve in which I remember nothing about apart from the fact that it was 10 minutes long and I talked to his friend for some of it.
January 2013
More insanity of trying to meet up with GuyImetatparty and failing. I haven't seen him for 7 weeks. It's awkward between my ex and me. But there is occasionally pudding and GuyImetatparty and I are quite close now. Like, we have these awesome late-night DMCs as I've recently developed insomnia, and he's an insomniac anyway so. He watches my YouTube videos. I'm trying to get him to join deviantART. The usual insanity of teenage nerds really.
There's your catchup on the last few months. They've been... eventful to say the least XD