There'll also be some other advice in my blog, such as dealing with anxiety, issues that I feel are important or may be important to you, et cetera.

I'm going to blog every day all being well!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

In which I am enjoying myself way too much.

I'm here on half term now, just got back after a few wonderful days on holiday in Italy with my friends. First of all, I am attempting to do some form of revision, but I keep getting distracted by things, or I find something I've been meaning to do for ages, or something. For example, I spent all of yesterday with my best friends when I should have been recapping all the stuff I've forgotten after the holiday. On Saturday I watched a film and read a whole book. These things aren't going to get me my GCSEs, I know. I have done some things today, and writing to you is part of my 'free' period. (Which ends in about 40 minutes, I gave myself an hour for lunch when theoretically it only takes me 10 minutes to eat!)

I've also found a winning idea for my book, and I've just started writing it. I'm really enjoying it so far, so I hope I'll be able to complete it and get it published. Obviously even if it did get famous I'd probably have to do my GCSEs first, but still! At least it wouldn't matter if I totally failed.

Ugh. Additional Science is easily the most annoying thing in the world, as is History. (Why am I doing it for A-Level again?!) I just did some revision on cell anatomy this morning, and I think I'm gonna start on enzymes soon, as well as whatever topic 3 is in Physics *vomits*

Glad to have a small rest from the stress that is school though!

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