There'll also be some other advice in my blog, such as dealing with anxiety, issues that I feel are important or may be important to you, et cetera.

I'm going to blog every day all being well!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Four shots of caffeine later...

There's only one way I can really describe today: wet. The rain seemed to follow me right from my front doorstep all the way to college and then back again - although on the bright side I did see about three rainbows which was pretty cool :P the worst thing was, was that I was wearing denim jeans and shoes that weren't waterproof, nor did I have an umbrella. Which meant that I spent most of today walking around with goosebumps permanently embedded into my skin. It was an interesting day though.

I only have two lessons on Tuesdays: French and English Literature. French was the same as it usually is, although I reached the conclusion that I'm going to have to drop Pre-U because I can't actually fit French oral practice onto my timetable :/ I mean, I have frees, but not enough to fit in with the teacher's timetable and everybody else's. I'm not particularly bothered though - Pre-U is a muddle of essays, presentations and discussions about affairs that, although I know are important, aren't something that particularly interests me, or my life revolves around. It more seems to be centered towards those who are going for a degree at either Oxbridge or in a humanities-based subject such as Politics, Economics, Law, et cetera. This also means that I wouldn't have to get up early on a Friday morning, I'd get to go home earlier on Wednesdays, and I'd also have a double free on Monday, which is nice :) also it means I'll get to keep my job without getting worried about not keeping up with schoolwork. It's not official yet though - I have to go and argue my case on Friday. Should be okay though.

So after an hour of French and frustration about my timetable, I had English Lit, where we tore apart Orsino's first speech in Twelfth Night: 'If music be the food of love, play on.' I have to say, I absolutely love Shakespeare, and got really into it. The teacher seemed really impressed with me as well :D afterwards, I met up with my friends in the canteen and we had lunch, and after that, my friend and I battled our way through the rain to get home. Thankfully, my friend had actually taken an umbrella to school, so we remained mostly dry for half the time. Whilst under the safety of an artifical canopy, it's easy to laugh at those around us who aren't so fortunate - although I'll probably be in the same predicament tomorrow as I was this morning, as I don't think I actually own an umbrella.

I then proceeded to spend an hour in Starbucks with one of my old school friend's boyfriends. Sounds a lot more 'cheeky' than it actually was - I don't really know him that well, so we spent the hour actually learning some things about each other, i.e. what A levels we are doing. Also, I'm completely socially awkward around most boys so there was no way in heck anything could have happened between us, even if I'd tried. It didn't help that my frappucino kept leaking everywhere, too, so I ended up even colder and now stickier than I had been before. I finally met my friend, and we walked into town before it started raining again. We then proceeded to spend the next hour in Waterstones, Boots and then Cafe Nero, where I had yet more caffeine. Add that to my frappucino and the two pepsi max cans I had earlier at college and, well, that's a lot of caffeine. Although to be fair I was exhausted; Monday is pretty much a full day of lessons, and I had a pretty eventful dream at an airport during the night so :P after a while I caught the bus home, and by this point it was freezing cold and getting dark so my Mum very graciously picked me up from the bus stop :)

That concludes my day. Since then I've been doing some extra study and now I'm going to start reading the 1,000 page long complete works of Sherlock Holmes because I'm just that boring.

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